This is a picture of my father's family. My Father Arie Spoelstra is the young man in the upper left. As I write this his life here on earth is over.Dad passed away from this life early Monday morning April 22.
He married Wilma Van Zee (what a good looking couple) and set out on a life time of farming. The only camera we had when I was younger was a black and white that was only gotten out for special occasions, which means we don't have many pictures.
Their first son Terry died before he was a year old.
My sister Marlys is on the right and Crissie is on the left.
You have to love the seventies. looking back you just wonder "what were we thinking?" Of course you might notice everyone except me looks fairly normal.
Dad always seemed to have a kid or two on his lap. Usually he was feeding them candy when no one was looking.
This is the last family picture that I have. It was taken when there was only one great grandchild and most of the grandchildren weren't married yet. It was a joy yesterday after the funeral when the grandchildren were sitting around and the conversation naturally turned to Predestination, election, man's choice and responsibility. It says a lot about the legacy a man leaves behind when the topic of choice for his descendants is theology and not sports. We will miss you Dad.