Saturday, August 13, 2022

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to.

Yesterday was my Birthday. It was definately not the best birthday I have had. Ok so I cried part of the day. Sharon is the light of my life. Yesterday we had verification that cancer is once again growing in her bone marrow.

That was quite a blow. I do not know what I would do without Sharon in my life. I have now had 24 hours to process the bad news and can realize that Sharon has beat this before and she can beat it again. God stepped in 11 years ago and life has been grand since then. There were a few other younger women who also had this rare cancer when she was diagnosed over 20 year ago. They all passed away within a few years. God gave Sharon life and continues to give her life. God answered prayers.


For the last few years every blood test didn't feel like it could be a disaster. Now that complacency and comfort are gone. We have a new reality. Once again we are crying out to God to give healing. 11 years ago a new drug was available out of East Germany with the fall of the Berlin Wall. It may not even have been the drug that killed the cancer back. There was a corelation to prayer and healing. 11 years is a long time but I wanted another 30 years.

Now we are looking at a future of sometimes fear and sometimes joy, but we know God has it all in his hand. I don't have much to write because I am still reeling between everything is going to be fine and the fear of what if it isn't. 
All I can say is ya'll better be praying for healing for Sharon, because she is the one that keeps me on an even keel. You really don't want her not influencing me every day.

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