Saturday, August 6, 2022


We finished remodeling a house today. That means everything needs to be moved out. All tools, 

supplies, cabinets

dry wall and plumbing supplies

windows and any appliances

paint, brushes and rollers

It all needed to go somewhere so we moved it to the next house on our list.

We are going to need several days just to get all the stuff we moved organized and sorted.

Our storage facilities are full, so we need to go though both of those and see if there is anything we can ship to the landfill. We have to much stuff in this house to even start working on this thing.

This is the house we just finished. 3 days ago you could not see the floor in the living room. Now it is cleaned out and looks great.

The rooms are empty, look inviting and usable.

Micah and matthew put the bathroom together and it is almost a work of art.

The kitchen was full of tools yesterday morning. This afternoon it is clean and ready for a family to move in. 
I know a lot of the "stuff" we carried out of the house the last few days has value. But it was cluttering up the house it was in and the house was not livable. I see people living in houses that look a lot like the one we now have full of stuff. We are going to sort it, hang the cupboards on the walls. Use the cans of paint. Install the trim. Put in the new windows. Lay the new floors. When we are finished the house will be empty because we will have used all the "stuff". The people I see living in houses that are filled with "stuff" are not using the "stuff". They just can't let it go. 
I can easily keep the junk out of the house I live in, but can I keep the junk out of my mental, emotional, and spiritual life? Do I hang on to mental clutter I don't need? Do I get upset about something and let it clutter up my mind and life instead of just letting it go? 
We all need to step back sometimes to try to see the big picture and let the little stuff go. Clean out the clutter and set our eyes on God's kingdom. That is my goal. How about you?

 My grandson Caleb says goodbye

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