Sunday, February 1, 2015

Letting things slide

A little over a year ago we were up at Dordt college. Matthew has my guitar up in Sioux Center. He was concerned with the sound degrading.

So he called in the expert to take a look at it. 

It is nice that the boys still ask for advice once in a while.

After spending time trying to reset the strings. For those of you who do not know, that is not tuning it, we were changing the distance between the frets and the strings.

We came to the conclusion that the humidity was way too low in the dorm at Dordt. The guitar was simply drying out.

I also found out that I had lost a lot of my ability to play.

What once came naturally was now lost. I really should pick up a guitar and hone the skills that are disappearing back to where they once were. When the boys were running cross country races their coach told them, if you stop running for just a few days you begin to lose speed and endurance. It really is the same with your walk with God. If you let it slide for a couple of days, it will hurt your relationship. If you want to play the guitar well you need to play it every day. If you want to run long distances well you need to run every day. If you want to have a relationship with God you need to talk to Him and listen to Him every day.