Joshua was 4 years old when he got a younger brother. I have always felt that he had to grow up maybe too fast. he got shoved off my lap by this new baby. Although Joshua did travel with me everywhere. Before he started school we spent a lot of time at auction barns buying cattle.
One of my favorite memories was when Joshua wrote a "paper" for school when he was in, I think first grade, and said he wanted his brother Micah to be in heaven with him some day.
Why is every boy fascinated with guns and violence, although I do think Joshua is quite safe here as Micah hasn't figured out yet that there is a trigger.
Younger brothers always want to do what their older brothers are doing. Sometimes much to the annoyance of the older sibling.
Then along came Matthew and Micah had a younger brother.
Those were good days. I look at this picture and think how innocent we all were. None of the storms of life we were to endure were even on the horizon yet.
Sometimes Micah having 2 brothers, one older to boss him a round and one younger to follow him around seemed too much to handle and he would go off to his room for a while to be by himself.
Still they spent a lot of time together and the pictures still make me smile. Joshua and Micah taking care of Matthew.
Notice Joshua gets the pedal tractor. Matthew gets to ride in the wagon. Micah was the one who was ordered to push.
And push some more.
Until he wised up and decided he would ride as well. Joshua pedal a little harder.
Three boys growing up on a farm. I thought that was where we would always be. We would be farming land and feeding cattle together.
My plans were not God's plans. Today Joshua works for Agriland. Micah is a CPA and Matthew is starting his 2nd year in Seminary. God will put these young men where He wants them to be. That might be one of the hardest things I ever had to do was to say to God, "You love my sons more than I do and You know far better than I do what is best for them."
It is difficult to let go of your children, but only by giving them to God can a parent have peace.
I had a woman ask me to pray for her son a couple of years ago. He had stopped going to church and was living life with some pretty obvious sins. She asked me what she should do. I asked her "Have you talked to him?" She seemed surprised by my question. I followed up, " Have you told your son God loves him? Have you told your son Jesus died to give him eternal life?" She said,"But he doesn't come to church. He knows what I think." My reply was, "How does he know if you don't tell him. Don't worry about him coming to church. If he comes to know Jesus as his savior that will fix itself. First talk to him about God and don't talk about church attendance, love your son."
I thank God that I do not have that concern about my sons. But If you know one of my sons, tell them "your dad is proud of you and he loves you." I might find it difficult to say to them.