Everyone is working diligently here on making a decorative flowerpot on the front porch. We also went to a couple of state parks. With most tour attractions shut down, the parks were crowded.
The boys and their wives slept in the restored part of the house but most of the time we just walked through it.
A couple of formal parlors we never did sit in.
We used the dining room for several meals.
Most of out time was spent in the addition.
The kitchen was large enough for many hands to make light work of meals.
Sharon and I had the master bedroom which was also a later addition.
The master bath was 1 of 4 bathrooms. Only problem was this beautiful bathroom was not really usable. No door just a hall way with a turn in it. Makes one a little uncomfortable knowing anyone can walk down the hallway, turn the corner and look straight into the bathroom. Soaking in that jetted tub would have made for a nerve wracking experience.
Being in the house remodel business makes one look closely at houses. Really, they just jabbed a hole in the wall and stuck a coaxial cable through. Nice job.
Standing on the 3rd story deck off the master bedroom and looking up, I can see daylight through the roof. That is going to be a problem!
Dead bolt gone from the door to that deck. I do know someone would have to have a long ladder to access the door from the deck, but still at these prices and the dead bolt missing?
New door in the addition and I can see daylight through it.
I know it is tough to patch old plaster wall, but a dryer sheet is not a good fix.
Some one must have locked a bathroom door and closed it. Yea there are better ways to open the door than kicking it in and breaking the jamb.
The roof was leaking at some point up by the ceiling. I know tough fix on a 20 foot high ceiling.
Couple of spindles missing on a railing 20 foot up is not a good idea.
The tile in this shower was not sealed after it was grouted, and the ends were neither grouted nor sealed. In the next couple of years the moisture wicking behind the tile will bring this wall tumbling down.
This shower door opened to the inside. Little tough to get into the shower, around the door and shut it. Remember always have your shower doors open OUT!
Then there were the safety issues. Come on, I know it was the servants stairway originally but with guests using it, it should have a rail.
New inner balcony or loft and the spindles are 6 inches apart. Some kid is gonna slide right on through.
Would not want to use these steps either on an icy day or a dark night. Railings, railings, railings!
Masking tape to hold down an outlet cover. There had to be a better way.
Electrical wire dropping through the trim with a wire nut on the live side. I believe there should be a junction box there to start with and then a cover please.
OK, so I take joy in finding others mistakes, but I do believe if you are going to rent out the house there should have been an inspector walking through it at some time. Maybe AirBNB should think about that.
We chose the house for it's 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, and we were there for family not for a perfect house. It was certainly large enough and comfortable enough for what we needed.
This morning I asked Matthew to lead us in devotions. he chose: Deuteronomy 6
Hear O Israel! The LORD our God is one! You shall Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. These words which I am commanding you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.
He said it was a blessing to grow up in our house where we lived by this principle. Faith was the center of everything we did as a family as our boys grew up.
That was a great affirmation to Sharon and me. We made God and His ways the center of our family. I pray that each of our sons will do the same.
We stayed in a beautiful old mansion. It had a lot of small problems. Each of us as a family does as well, but if God is the center of your life, those problems will just be minor things that should and can be fixed.