When I was about 45 years old, I was sent to a cardiologist because of PVCs. Basically that means your heart beats before it fills with blood. It's kind of a weird sensation and I was having a lot of them. The good doctor told me, there is medication for it, but PVCs won't shorten your life span. You can go on the meds but there are side effects. Having heard the side effects I decided the weird feeling was the better choice. They eventually went away and life continued on.
Then we were returning home from an 8 day vacation at the end of September. We got home early enough for me to make my appointment for blood donation. I just didn't feel right while sitting waiting for the tech to take my vitals. Yea, blood pressure was 196/98. I think that's close to the death by stroke zone. The tech waited 10 minutes and my blood pressure went down to a level they would take the donation. You have to ask is that a good idea? He has a heart problem lets take some of his blood.
The next morning I had a revelation. the PVCs were back and with a vengence. Missing about every third heart beat. I have a blood pressure machine at home and was checking my pressure. It would quite often go above 160/90. Not good.
After 45 days I decided maybe it was time to see a doctor. Yea blood pressure was 160/90 still not good. I did explain that I had white coat syndrome and they could probably subtract 10 points just because we were in a doctor's office. Dr got out the old stethescope and was listening to my heart. She listened about 3 seconds and grabbed my wrist searching for a pulse. Hey I am still sitting upright, I do have a pulse, its there occasionally. Then the tests started: EKG, we'll take three vials of blood, here is a container and there is the bathroom give us a sample.
We are going to stick this monitor to your chest for 48 hours. You will see a cardiologist in the next 2 weeks. We need to get your blood pressure down with medication. Then the tests started coming back. You have elevated cholesterol. Not just a little elevated but through the roof, you need to be on statins. You have a high risk of stroke and need to start taking aspirin every day and lose some weight.
Hold on, hold on here. I think maybe lets try a few life style changes first. The doctor said most people would rather take a pill than make lifestyle changes. Well, I am not most people and medications have side effects. I am a firm believer in pills when necessary but lets shock my system with some nutritional deprivation.
I know I was drinking way too much coffee. A pot and 2/3 was most likely way off the scale of normal. I think my Mr Coffee feels neglected and abandoned. I will have to say caffeine withdrawal is no fun at all. It didn't start till after 2 days caffine free and then boy it was like getting hit by a 2x4.
Oh and not just the coffe had to go. Those hand cut prime ribeyes I love. Maybe 2 ounces occasionally
BBQed pork rib meat. Yea, no more of that.
Those bacon slabs I slice thick, gone.
This meal no,no. Get the skin off the chicken and lose the chips.
I have 30 pounds of pork ribs in my deep freeze, I'm supposed to eat that, what sliced in small portions of 1 bone each meal??
3 years ago I switched out what I eat in the evening due to a health issue I don't remember now. This was one of my meals, well now the butter has to be gone from the bread and no CHEESE on the salad.
I don't know, do you live longer or does it just feel like it?
I might end up like the Beverly Hillbillies eating possum innerds. They're just as good the second day.
My plan is after this total shock to my system to start adding a few enjoyable foods and maybe some caffeine back into my routine. As of tonight my blood pressure has fallen and is in the normal range. Have no clue yet on the cholestrol and why after a week much smaller meals not one pound of weight has been lost? Come on, I deserve to have lost at least 5 pounds with all the good food I have given up.
Problem is not falling back into really bad eating habits. Life is like that, we can make a decision to change and then just slide back to where we started.
Routines and habits are hard to break. That's why most people would rather take a pill than change their life style. I get that, it has been a tough week and will be several more tough weeks.
We all get comfortable not just with our diets but also with the sin in our lives. It's part of the comfort zone and it's easy to justify. It's not so bad, others are worse. Problem is, God calls us to be holy, not just better than how we see someone else. Being holy may mean kicking some things we enjoy out of our lives and leaving our comfort zone. Might have to ask God for help to change for the better because on our own we are bound to fail.