Sometimes things are just not where they are supposed to be. I walked around a house to shovel the sidewalk on Wednesday and saw a hole had been dug down through the snow, through some dirt and into the crawl space under the house.
The next morning I was stunned at what I had caught coming back out from under the house. I have nothing against rabbits in their place, but digging under one of our houses is not their place. I took the rabbit out to a wooded area and set him free. Now it is where it belongs.
On Friday I went to one of our storage buildings to get some air diffusers for furnace ducts. I keep the key to the door on my pickup key fob. Pulled the door shut behind me as I left and then put my hand in my pocket to get my pickup keys. Empty pocket. I remembered I had dropped my keys in the snow and hadn't put them in my pocket I had laid them in the building. Maybe I hadn't locked the door, right? Oh, I had locked it. I called Matthew and asked him to bring his key. Then I thought, wait there are only a few locks I can't get open. I try not to share that with very many people ( so don't tell anyone, Ok?), but if you know how, locks just slow you down not keep you out. First tool I tried failed, second tool I tried failed, third time was the charm and the door swung open. No damage to lock or door. I called Matthew, he answered the phone with the words "got it open didn't you?"
Oh, yea, and there were my keys lying where they shouldn't be.
We purchased an antique table to extend the one we have for family meals. When we looked at it we failed to notice it had some orange marks on the right corner. Those orange marks looked like some one had made a mistake with a permant marker. I have some pretty good cleaners but nothing was touching the orange so I have sanded the top down to bare wood and put on the first coat of polyurethane.
The orange marks were definately not where they were supposed to be.
I have been trying to avoid taking statins for high cholesterol, but this week I had a long vist with my cardiologist. He wrote in his notes "I spent a long time discussing treatment goals and options with the patient for his LDL cholesterol". Yes, he did, but in my defense I think he had a few cancelations because of the snow and he had time on his hands. I thought I had done well getting my LDL cholestrerol down by 25%. After the calcium score test he wanted it down another 50%. He told me " you can lose weight until you look like a third world starvation case and you will not make that goal. Diet is not causing the high LDL it is hereditary" Major arteries sending blood out were open but I have a small amount of blockage in the "widow maker" artery and he is concerned. I told him a heart attack doesn't concern me a stroke is what I don't want.
Statins it is. I know 3,000,000 people start taking statins in the USA every year, but I was proud of the fact I had made it to 66 and was taking no medication. Well those days are gone.
The plaque in my artery is definately something that is where it shouldn't be.
When I was in High School, the literature teacher handed me this book (this is my personal copy) out of the school library and asked me to read it and write a book report on it for his class. Looking back I wonder if he hand picked the book for the report for every student or if I was a special case. I remember him inviting me into his office to talk about the book after I had read it. What I didn't know at the time was, it was a banned book in Strongsville Ohio. It was unbanned in Strongsville about 6 months after I read it.
It is a novel that saterizes the absurdity of war and the dehumanizing effects of bureaucracy. Today it is being banned in schools across our nation. Should the book be in a grade school? Most likely not, but it should be in our high school libraries. We need to have our young people read Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, I Know Why the caged Bird Sings, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
I don't trust politicians who try to tell us what to read, Don't care if they are "progressive" or "conservative". Everyone should read, not only what they agree with but also what they disagree with (I don't agree with the Koran or the book of Morman but I have read them and know why I disagree with them). It helps to form an educated opinion that will never be balanced if you stay in an echo chamber.
So are some books where they shouldn't be? Could be, if they are not age appropriate, but we should trust the local school boards and libraries with that and keep the politicians out of it.
Politicians could focus on important matters. Ban wallpaper. Come on people, I have tried to get this going before, write your politicians. No more wallpaper, no more wallpaper. I can't hear you chanting with me. Outlaw wallpaper, outlaw wallpaper. Wall paper is definately something that is not where it should be. It shouldn't be put on walls. It should be sent to the landfill or burned.