Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July sparklers

Today is the 4th of July. I picked up a box of sparklers and invited friends over for supper. I don’t think we will BBQ as it is supposed to be over 100. I am hoping we can jump in the neighbor’s pool.

Earlier this summer, we were also with friends and someone brought out a package of sparklers. Who would have thought that a bunch of teenage kids would go crazy over sparkers but they did.

I got to thinking about sparklers and the 4th of July. Today is a good reminder to celebrate our freedoms: freedom to own property, freedom to worship, freedom to teach our children about God, freedom to speak. I also thought about things that are not free: the rights of the unborn, the freedom to worship God or even have a Bible in some countries..

So, today, grab a box of sparklers and make your own list of freedoms. Thank God for the freedoms we have and pray for the freedoms that are not.

And when you light your sparkler, think about ways you can sparkle for God. Each and every day we have the opportunity to light up the darkness in this world. Ask God to show you where and how. People need to know about Jesus.

If you do not know Jesus, I pray that you will know that he is real, he loves you and he died and rose again to save you from your sins. Commit your life to him today.

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