Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Empty Church

Sharon and I were driving north from Texas last week. We stopped in a city in Oklahoma on Saturday night. Sunday morning I spent some time on the internet looking for a church to attend. We drove up to the church about 10 minutes before the service was to start and we noticed there were not many cars in the parking lot.
It was a beautiful church building. They had built a new building in 2001. thirteen years ago this congregation got the financing together and built a new church for them to grow into. They built a Sanctuary in the middle. A fellowship hall on the right and an education wing on the left.It was a beautiful and functional church.
 We walked into the church and there was a sign on the doors to the sanctuary, "Service in the fellowship hall". Beside Sharon and me there was a total of 26 people in church that morning. 2001 they built this church and I am guessing the cost was north of $2,000,000. Now 26 people with an average age of over 70 attend the services. They have an interim pastor and I did not get an answer to what happened. 13 years ago a church confident of their future and now its days are numbered. 
I found it a little scary. A congregation can shrink and disappear so fast. It made me think about what makes a congregation alive and growing. When it comes right down to it, a church grows only when the Spirit of God is at work. It's not about me and it's not about you, its' about God.

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