Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Another Birthday

Where, Oh where has the time gone? Growing up in the sixties,
Coming of age in the seventies. Wow, were those wild times.

Married and then three sons.
I definitely can not do push ups with them riding on my back any more.

Farmed and raised cattle for several years.

Spent a great deal of my life in the great out doors. 

Even had the privilege of helping to build the last John Deere tractor we bought. 

Sharon and I were 4-H leaders for several years, and met a lot of neat kids and families.

We moved off the farm and now enjoy living in town.

Today is my birthday. I look back and God has been good to me. I can say that looking back, but there were times when I wondered exactly where God was. But I know now he was always right there providing what I needed.

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