This year I am in the land of plenty. God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. Matthew who was 2 years old when Sharon was diagnosed is 22 years old and Sharon is still here. God knows more than doctors. She is the light of my life and God has blessed me by leaving her right here with me. (I sure hope she feels the same way)
God has allowed me to lead worship services just about every week for 12 years. There is a great joy in sharing the Word of God.
And now Matthew is in seminary and taking it up a notch
God has blessed us with our children.
All of them knowing that Jesus' sacrifice is the gate to eternal life with God. What greater blessing could a father ask for.
God has given us a wonderful house to live in nestled in the pine trees. I know that God picked this house out for us and took us down a tortuous path to get us here. Sharon wrote about how that happened on this blog a couple of years back.
God has blessed us financially to the point where I can compare our life to the widow's jar of oil that did not run empty. God just keeps giving more and more. I am not sure why God has blessed us beyond measure. It is assuredly not because of what I have done or who I am, because I can say with Paul that I am the worst of sinners. I can honestly say that on my own I can do nothing.
Someone asked me once 11 years ago, when all around us looked black, if I felt like Job. The man in the Bible who lost everything. Went from wealth to absolute poverty. I answered,"no, Job got it all back, I will be poor the rest of my life." Well now I know that is not true. God has given it all back and piled on more, and looking back over the last few years I have to confess, it was not me making investments grow and filling bank accounts. It was the hand of God pouring out earthly blessings to supplement the spiritual blessings that are so much more valuable.
So it is Thanksgiving day 2017 and I am not writing this to say, hey look at me. I am writing this to say God has blessed me even though I don't deserve any of it. That is a visible sign of Grace, undeserved favor. If you are reading this and you also are in the land of plenty spiritually or physically, remember to whom God gives much, much is expected. Join me in sharing the wealth God has given, both spiritual and physical. Come join me in sharing the gospel with those you meet. There is no greater joy than seeing an unbeliever come to faith. Come join me in caring for the needy in your life. Yea this one will drive you crazy at times, but just keep telling God "be in control of all you have placed in my care and use it to build Your kingdom" and God will show you who to help and when to give.
May every day of the coming year be a day of Thanksgiving for you.