Sunday, December 2, 2018

Generation after generation.

This is a picture of my father Arie Spoelstra sitting on the steps of my Great Grandparents house north of Pella. My Great Grandfather was Arie Boot.

     I have been told what the model of this car is that my dad is sleeping on the running board but I forget. There is a man I could ask but he would spend at least 2 hours, not only telling me the make model and year of the car but also the whole history of the family, so I am not going to ask.
 Dad grew up and got married and had children. (I know mom did also, let me tell the story the way I want to OK?)
     I don't remember our house looking like this, but it must have, when I was small because I am standing in front of the house before there was a front porch and there was still a window on the south west upstairs. Anyway I grew up and got married. (I know, I know Sharon did also but I am still telling the story OK?)

 We had children.

    Three boys.Joshua, Micah, and Matthew.

     And they grew up. 

     I am going to have to ask Joshua if I helped him tie a tie. Here I am helping Micah get ready for something where he needed a tie
    Ditto for Matthew. (I am sure this was not the same year and yet I am wearing the exact same clothing. If it fits why buy something new, right?) I am hoping I did more than just teach them how to tie a tie. Maybe imparted a little wisdom of how to live, as my father taught me.

      Joshua married Casey and here we are in Northeast Iowa a couple of years back.

     This summer when we went to Northeast Iowa we had 2 more young women traveling with us.

     This year at Thanksgiving we have 2 weddings coming at us like a Mack truck down the highway. (Sharon's parents are in this picture) Micah and Linsey are planning a January 5 wedding and Matthew and Meagan are planning on March 30. 
     Generations keep moving on and we are celebrating. It was great fun when our boys were little and it is great fun now that they are grown. Time does not stand still and in Sharon and my life it is a time of change and moving to a new parameter. What fun!! Celebrate and rejoice with us!!

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