Saturday, February 9, 2019

Nothing Done?

I was thinking I didn't make a whole lot of progress this week on the house I am working on. I had to look at some of the pictures I took this week to even see I had made gains.

There are a couple of windows on the south side of the house in the second story bedrooms. They had plastic covering them and when I took the plastic off I now know why it was there. You could see daylight through the gaps around the windows.

I took the old windows out and and re-framed the holes from the inside of the house. Slid in new double pane fixed windows, insulated and caulked them in. 

Filled in with sheet rock and taped and mudded.

This afternoon I hooked up the texture gun and sprayed on the texture.
I also removed the dormer window over the front door. The door itself is no longer on hinges. It is ready to be replaced and until I get the new door it is simply screwed in place and sealed to keep out the cold.
There is a window on the stairway landing that was just as bad as the windows upstairs. I pulled it out and replaced it with a double pane fixed window.

I finished with the joint compound and sanding in the hallway and stairs. This afternoon while I had the texture gun hooked up I could spray those walls.

I put the bathtub back in and the shower faucet just needs the trim kit once the shower walls are tiled.
The vanity is back in place. I was ready to put the new faucet in the sink when I saw that the sink was cracked. I went to our storage and looked if we had a new sink. Yes, we did but it was made for different type of faucet than I have, that's right the faucet which matches the shower which is already installed. So I looked if we had another vanity top in storage. Yes we had 2 of them both 37 inches long. I need 43 inches for this vanity. Now I need to find out what is cheapest. Use the countertop I have and buy a new sink or get a whole new vanity top with a built in sink that fits my faucet.

Picked out a color for the upstairs west bedroom. Opened the bucket of paint and thought this looks a whole lot darker than the color on the lid. Maybe it will get lighter as it dries, right?? Wrong it got even darker. The next morning this small patch I had painted made me think I had spread dung on the wall. I didn't think that was the look I was going for. As the paint was non returnable (yea took a chance and bought a closeout item. Now I know why they were dumping it cheap) I bought 2 gallons of yellow paint and added it.

 Ended up with an olive color I can live with. Although the brown trim will definitely need to be replaced by white.
Sometimes when you don't think you are getting much done you are making a lot of progress. 
I went to a regional meeting of church officials this morning. My prayer on the way to the meeting was, "Lord help me to keep my mouth shut." I am proud to say I sat through a 4 hour meeting and never said a word. I sat silent through the debates and voted when the votes were called. It may look to some like I got nothing done, but my silence was most likely the most productive thing I did all week.
Sharon and I are reading the book of Job for our devotions. I always think Job's friends had it right when they sat silent with Job for 7 days. Then they started to talk and not only did they not comfort Job, but they showed themselves to have bad theology to the point God is angry with them. Had they sat and looked like they were doing nothing they would have been a lot more comforting.
Sometimes when you think you are doing nothing is when the most gets done. 

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