Sunday, October 13, 2019

still slacking off

Sharon was really brave this week.

She went off to Coffee break at church and left me in charge of the cinnamon bread baking in the oven. She asked me if I knew how to set the timer. 
I was honest and said "No".
She carefully explained that the bread had to bake for 37 minutes. After 20 minutes it needed to be covered with aluminum foil.
She wondered out loud if she was going to have to call me when it was time to cover the bread and when it was time to take it out of the oven. I think she considered staying home because I was going to mess up the bread.
Personally I think I succeeded. Of course I haven't actually cut into a loaf. I don't even know if there is any around here or if she gave it away as gifts.
I do think it shows I can be trusted to follow directions (that may not always be true as I sometimes get caught up working in my office when asked to do simple tasks.)

On Wednesday I finished up grouting bathrooms in the impact building at Lake view. This is the handicap bathroom and was the largest.

This one is off a common room upstairs

I think there were 6 of these smaller bathrooms in dorm rooms.

 2 of these on the ground floor. 
We traveled to Michigan on Thursday and returned on Saturday. We stopped at Walcott to get some food. I saw the grout job done in the men's restroom and thought  "well at least I did a better job than this". If no one else thinks so they can just keep their thoughts to themselves.

This is the common room on the ground floor. Chris, Bob and Dort are making it into a camp building with a rustic look.

Matt and Meagan are living on Wealthy Street in Grand rapids in an historic house. 

Meagan took us on a tour of the Dutch store where she works part time. Surprisingly they had wooden shoes for sale.

At first all I saw were the plastic "wooden" shoes. I thought "are you kidding me? plastic shoes?" Then I realized I had walked past the real ones.

There must be a big market here in the states for merchandise from the Netherlands.

The had a huge warehouse full of items.

I think most of it is sold on the internet and shipped out in boxes.

Sharon's sister Bonnie lives by Grand Rapids so we stayed there. Her mom traveled with us.

The food was good and I figured since I was not home, calories didn't count for those 3 days. Just start eating in the morning and continue going to restaurants and coffee shops all day long as well as meals at Ron and Bonnie's house, right?

Ron and Bonnie were married on October 3. The same day as Sharon and I, although there were 12 years between the  weddings.
I don't have a point I want to make this week. I'm just floating along between projects and maybe resting up for the big push ahead. We are supposed to close on a house this Friday that needs immediate work. (I haven't seen an abstract yet so I am thinking closing this Friday is not going to happen.)
Last year at one point when I was just slacking off Sharon said one morning, "Royce, you need to buy  a house." so I bought one that day. She hasn't said that yet this year (that might be because at this point we are just waiting to close on a couple and she know's I will soon have no chance to be bored.)
For the moment I am good with a slower pace, but it shouldn't go on too long. I find if I have a lot to do I get a lot done. If I have spare time I have difficulty getting what needs to be done finished. I guess I need some pressure in my life to keep me getting my work done. Oh well the pressure will soon be back.  I already have calls to rent the houses we are buying and we have at least 60 days work in each of them.

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