Sunday, December 6, 2020


We used to use satin polyurethane, now we use gloss. It makes the floors shiny. I don't know how easy it is to keep them clean and shiny,

but it really impresses prospective tenants. "The floors are so shiny" is what I hear now. It does give a clean new look to old wood floors.

Started work on a house we had purchased back in October. Even though we owned the house the previous owner was still living in it. He had several misfortunes happen one after another. Had 2 relatives die. Just finishing quarantine after traveling out of state for one funeral when they had to go to another funeral for a very unexpected death. They stayed in a hotel room with another couple. The other couple were infectious with covid. The owner's wife was hospitalized a week later with covid. I was telling how we owned a house but did not have possession for close to 60 days at Thanksgiving. I said I can't kick a man out of the house while his wife is in the hospital. Katie replied, "well you can ,but it would make you a bad person". Believe it or not, I do try to avoid being a bad person most days.

It is hard to see in this photo, there are 7 broken windows in the back 3 seasons room.

They were covered by plastic. Most of them by black plastic.

Got those all repaired this week. The center window's bottom pane looks like it is missing. That pane is plexiglass. It doesn't reflect light as well as the regular glass panes. Oskaloosa glass repaired 2  panes with plexiglass. They are installed differently than the others and did not want the glass to break. 

When I walked through the house before we purchased it, I told the owner he shouldn't have his ceiling fan wired this way. Box should be in the ceiling. Wire should be romax running in the attic. There should be a romax connector in the hole in the box. He assured me that an electrician had told him it was up to code. Yea, I don't think so.

Knowing how the bedroom light was wired made me check out more of the wiring. Opened up the porch wall to find this lovely connection. Just bent the neutral wire and hooked it over the feed. Oh the fires we could start.

Found the same thing above the ceiling fan in the porch.

Then there was this lovely set up also behind the paneling. Connections can not be made behind a wall. They must be in an accessible box. I found this while trying to trace why there was no current in the garage. Yea, one of those hook the load neutral wires over the feed had failed and almost burned through. There is a reason for the code.
I started out with pictures of a shining floor. We are called to be a light shining in our world. The space around us should be lit by our reflecting God dwelling in us. Like the difference between glass and plexiglass, we also don't always reflect God to our community as we should.
Sometimes we try to take shortcuts to make our life easier. Sometimes we ignore the laws and rules God has given us. That will make our lives become dark as we fail and no longer have the current of God flowing through us.
I need to think carefully about how my words and actions are seen in my community. Am I shiny? Reflecting God to everyone I meet. Do others know I care about them and love them because God is calling me to pass on the love he has shown me?


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