Saturday, February 13, 2021


A child arrived just the other day, came into the world in the usual way.

Micah and Linsey have a son. Our first grandchild. 

Born in a cold spell. bundle up tight little one.

Caleb William Spoelstra was born on Monday Feb 8

I know he has 2 very proud grandparents. I am pretty sure he has 4 proud grandparents, but he is the Pezley's 3rd grandchild and he is our first.

Caleb looks a lot like Micah did as a baby. Here Joshua is holding his little brother.

It didn't take Micah long to be totally cool after he was born. Joshua might have helped him a bit with that. I am sure Caleb will be whatever the word used for "cool" is today.

It seems Caleb is following very closely in his father's (Micah with us in this picture) footsteps and he is not even a week old.

I think Micah and Linsey need warning that Micah used to rock this crib back and forth to move it across the room. He would get it in front of the door and try to turn the knob and open the door. Of course he had the crib in front of the door blocking it so he couldn't open it.

I am sure Micah will have as much joy from his new son as Micah gave me.

Take the time to enjoy that boy while he is little because he will soon grow up and you will wonder where the time went.

Welcome to the world Caleb

Even though you spend a lot of time sleeping now

soon you will be living large.

If blogs are still a thing and you can find a remnant of this on the internet 15 years from now

Know that you were loved from the moment you were born.

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