Sunday, May 9, 2021


Matthew and I finished a house this week. 30 days after we took possession. It was a bit of a mess when we took over. it had been purchased by someone else. They started a renovation and then I think they realized this was a bigger job than anticipated.

Wall paper had been removed only to find cracked and poorly patched walls

We got the walls patched some what better and put a texture on a couple of the rooms on the ground floor.

We left the cupboards, but did have a discussion about them as they are not appealing.

Can you find the drawer Matthew replaced?

The bath rooms were horrid.

They came out as well as could be expected.

I didn't want to even go into the upstairs half bath. The toilet was fairly new but there was no way I was touching that thing other than give it 2 hits with a hammer and carry it out.

Now it has a much cleaner user friendly look.

The down stairs bedroom needed some love and care.

We left the original oak floors. Do you see where someone left a hot iron?


The upstairs bedrooms needed some work.

They turned out pretty well.

Each one has 3 windows which makes gives them a lot of natural light.

The hall got a new floor and coat of paint.

Had to resurface the stairs as well.

I am not a fan of wall paper.

A painted wall is a better option.

An ugly room with wall paper and an old linoleum floor

Can be greatly improved with paint and new flooring.

This house even has a library

The floors are now all shiny with gloss polyurethane 

Even though it only took a month from start to finish, it seemed a lot longer. There was a lot of work to do and at times we seemed to be making no progress.
Now looking back, I can see the changes.
That is true in our lives as well. We are in a process of regeneration. We are sinners in need of sanctification. We all start out with lives that are ugly and God remakes us in His image. As long as we are in this world we will always be imperfect. Just like this house. The one drawer doesn't match. There is an iron scorch on a floor, but its better than it was. 
If your life is a mess, invite Jesus in and ask God for regeneration. He can take an unlivable life and make it livable.


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