Saturday, June 17, 2023

remodel started

We started on a house we closed on last week.

There were 4 rooms with drop ceilings. We have torn those out and will patch any cracks in the ceiling.

the doors and the trim are removed from these doors because we are going to close them in. No need for 2 doors into the bathroom and a closet.

The walls will need work around the doorways and the bottom trim. This room had paneling on the walls.

Pretty sketchy around the sliding door.

The roof leaked at one time and this upper corner needed to have the old plaster removed and a new drywall patch put in.

The toilet is setting in one of the bedrooms as of this afternoon.

Needed to remove the toilet so we could get this sit in tub out of the house.
The house was livable when we bought it but it was not at our standards.
We are tearing stuff out before we can start putting it back the way we want it.
God does that at times in our lives as well. Sometimes he has to tear things out of our lives that we have gotten used to, but are not His standards. We might be comfortable living with the sins we are enmeshed in until God comes along and says, this may be painful, but your life will be better with Me once I tear these things out of your life and replace them with something better. Don't underestimate the remodeling work of God in our lives.


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