Saturday, March 8, 2025

No such thing as a free lunch

I found 3 mice caught in sticky traps in our commercial building on Thursday morning. Thay came for the free food but it wasn't free. There was a high cost for trying to get that fish oil infused grain.

That seems to be a fact of life, there is no free lunch, everything has a cost.

I got the second and final dose of the shingles vaccine this week. I know people who had shingles, including my mom and Sharon, and have no desire for that pain. But once again everything comes with a cost. First dose was pretty easy with just a sore arm for a day. Not so for the second dose. Lets see, headaches, upset stomach, fatigue, low grade temperature and the really fun one was hallucinations. Took me  a bit to figure that last one out. Only lasted for about 2 hours, 18 hours after I had the shot. I kept trying to think through what just happened and then realized after 2 hours of that, that none of it had happened, my mind was creating fake memories. Was it worth it to get the vaccine? Yea, in my opinion that sort of lousy day was a lot better than what I have seen others go through when they have shingles.
There is no free lunch. Life is a series of trade offs and choices. 

I installed laminate flooring in closets today. I used flooring that we had bought cheap because it was what was left at a local store.

It was difficult to get it to lock and I had to fight every plank to get them locked. 

This is the laminate we use in most houses now. It is a cheap laminate that has lasted in one house for the 10 years since we bought the house. It really goes together easy (must be why it is called EZ plank). It is a cheap product but not as cheap as the remnants. But I paid for those remnants in time, work, and disgust today. No free luch and a cheap lunch usually isn't cheap if you look at the whole picture.

Sometimes cheap fixes do work. I needed to get into a couple of our lock boxes at the bank. Neither one would relock when I was finished. The bank staff called a lock smith, but he didn't answer his phone. The bank staff didn't want me to leave until the boxes were relocked (just a stack of abstracts in each box, sure about $18,000 value in each box but no value to anyone but the person selling the properties, which no one can do with out a deed signed by the owner). One of the staff found a can of WD40 and sprayed the locks. Worked like a charm and the boxes locked. Not quite a free lunch because there was the small cost of the oil, but pretty close.

I fixed this ceiling last week. Part of it had collapsed because of a leaking toilet upstairs prior to our buying the house. It was an easy fix because of the way the ceiling was finished. I could just cut out and replace 2 sections between the boards. No mudding and sanding, no uneven edges needed to be dealt  where the new met the old. Just the cost of a 4 foot by 4 foot peice of dry wall. 

I mixed a bunch of  paint remnants together. I have been aiming for a blueish grey the last couple of years (never add any red, the bucket is going to always be purple no matter how much you dilute it.)

I'd like to say this was a free lunch since all the paint I mixed was free from others trying to get rid of paint, but it takes a lot of work to get the paint all in one bucket and then get it mixed. There are times when you still find a dark blue splotch will show up on the wall as you paint and then you have to go back and repaint. Cheap (good for the environment as it didn't go to a hazardous waste landfill) but not free.
My point is that nothingin life is free, except that's not true. I know people who say they are going to heaven because they are good people. Yea, that's not true either. You don't have to live a good life to go to heaven because you can't live a good life. No one can. Heaven is paid for by Jesus paying your way in. It's free.
Matthew 20: 27-28 Whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave-- just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransome for many.
So yes, salvation and eternal life are given to you for free, but if you accept that gift the price is high because you have to become a servant to God and all those around you. Jesus said to love your enemies.
That is tough and it is no free lunch, but worth the cost.


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