Monday, December 1, 2014

Project with the Boys

We are working on remodeling a house that we have purchased as an investment with the boys. It was in pretty sad shape. The kitchen had some work already done but the rest of the house needed work.
Matthew worked on woodwork and laid carpeting among other jobs

Tony came along a couple of times to help with demolition and applied some polyurethane. 

 Micah put up trim and cut out the old door frames.

The bathroom was trimmed in a florescent pink the picture below does not do the pink justice. It was much brighter than the picture shows.

We ripped out the pink shelves and cupboards. Sharon demanded that one.
I don't know it looks to me like we lost a lot of storage.

All in all it was a great weekend to see how capable Micah and Matthew are. I really can't take any of the accolades for their skills. They have spent several summers working for R&R Roofing on roofs and other construction jobs.

We stuffed them all in the car and headed down to Joshua and Casey for Thanksgiving. A new pleasure, Joshua and Casey hosted Thanksgiving this year. I don't have a picture but wow there was a lot of food.

It is good to see our sons as young adults. 

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