Friday, May 25, 2018


     I drove away from our project house on Wednesday. 71 days after starting on it and 60 days of labor from start to finish.
     I would like to think that it looks a lot better than it did. On the day I started painting the house, when the tenant came home and saw brown paint (actually the color is Mars Clay), she thought someone had vandalized the house by spaying brown paint over part of it.

     Personally I think it was a good color choice. Although the tenants mother told me it looked like baby poop brown. Hey, thanks for the encouragement, I always love encouraging input.. It's a good thing I don't much care what other people think. I could just mutter under my breath "boy you have no taste."

     Came back on the third day of getting the house painted to find MCG personnel drilling a hole through my new siding to install internet. I would have given permission if they had asked (I have never had it installed in a house without permission before). 

     I did have a discussion that all wiring would be run in the basement and there would be only one hole in the siding. They agreed that would not be a problem. We have too many houses with data wire running around the outside the house and drilled into each room for internet. 

     I had removed the satellite dish from this house and cut off all the wires on the exterior of the house.

     I like things uncluttered and no holes to allow moisture behind the siding. 
     The tenants mother has asked me 3 times if I am going to put the railing back on the front porch.
     No I am not, No I am not, No I am not. She will learn some day that I do not change my mind on something that will need upkeep and is not necessary. No railing on a porch less than a foot off the ground. Ain't happening, ever, in this lifetime.

     I even have the lawn shed to the point it looks good and will pass the city inspection. 

     Now when I drive by the house it is hard to remember just how awful it was when we took possession.

     A friend of Sharon's walked through the house just after we bought it and then again just when we were about finished with the inside. The second time through she said I am not scared to be in here anymore. Yea, it was that bad. I changed out all the faucets and ran the water for a while before I would even take a drink there. It was indeed cringe worthy. 
    What was awful, is now pretty good. The tenant has posted on facebook how she loves her house. That is our goal. Turn something barely livable and make it great.
     But then we soon forget what the starting point was. Oh it couldn't have been that bad could it?? My life is a lot like that. Memory fades and the past starts to look better than it was. We are all on a journey through life. It seems at every stage of life we think we are pretty good. Pretty cleaned up, then we move on to the next stage as God changes us. There is coming a day when I will reach perfection. It won't be in this life. Fact is when I look back 10 years from now and remember, I will most likely be thinking ,wow how could I have been so blind.


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