Even though our project house is still a work in progress, the tenant is moving in. The tenant is moving from another one of our houses. We need them to move so another tenant can move into the house they are living in. We need that tenant to move so that another tenant can move into that house. The third tenant needs to move before the 1st of June so we can rent her house to a new and yet unfound tenant. I do have 4 people waiting to see the house. It is Spring and everyone is wanting to move to a better house and better is in the eye of the beholder. I am beginning to think all of our tenants are going to play musical chairs and everyone is going to move to a "better" house. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. One wants a dining room, one wants a basement, one wants bedrooms on opposite sides of the house. Moving everything you own for small differences in a house is that wise?
Daryl has the concrete torn out of the front porch on our project house. He broke it out with a sledge hammer and loaded it by hand one piece at a time on a dump trailer. There was a time I would have done that as well, now I am too old and weak. I am more than willing to pay Daryl to do the heavy lifting. Daryl is now waiting for the tenant to get moved in before he forms and pours the concrete. The furniture has to go into the house across this area. The back door has a 90 degree turn within 36 inches and no couch or large furniture is going in that way. So we have come to a dead stop on that project till the furniture is in (when I say we, I mean Daryl, because I am just an observer). I would like to think I have gotten wiser and am willing to pay someone to do the heavy hard work although I am still cheap so it may not be wisdom but weakened old age.
The tenants mother asked me this afternoon if I was going to leave the white stripes on the siding. I think I heard Sharon murmur something about it was that new zebra look behind me. I explained that the siding was just primed and the house still needed to be painted. That was just the first of many questions. Sharon soon disappeared. later she said she did not want to be there and hear what I said when I had finally had enough. Hey, I am a nice guy but Sharon may have made the wise decision and not stick around till I explained to the woman exactly what I thought of her foolish line of questions. And just so you know I never did.
Although I might not have been quite so nice if I had caught the unknown person who tried to put a tire iron between the door jamb and the door to break into the house. I most likely would have quietly said, "please don't do that, you will break the door." What a moron breaking into a completely empty house. The criminal element really is incredibly stupid. This guy has no wisdom.
Cal called me last Friday. He said he had saved the kitchen cabinets when they tore down their old house and he wondered if I could use them in a rental. I said maybe but used cabinets are not worth a whole lot to me.
These are new cabinets that I bought for $368.00. They were bought to the exact width we needed. You don't get the exact width when the cabinets are used. Cal told me he was going to put them on the burn pile if I couldn't use them. "Ah, then you know how much value they have."
I sorted through the cabinets and loaded the ones I thought we could use at some time in the future. I had driven out with a couple of shingles laying in the bed of the pickup. Cal said he had a shingle blow off his house and was wondering where he was going to get one shingle. It was a fair trade. 2 shingles for a pickup load of used cabinets. I do hope I got the better deal, but only time will tell if storing these was a wise idea.
Stacked them in our storage area. We have no purchases on the horizon and we are coming into the summer time when we usually do not get any houses bought. I do hope I don't need to get much out of storage because the building is stacked full again. We had just gotten it down to a manageable level where we could find what we needed. It isn't looking so wise at the moment.
Last week I talked to a man I consider a friend. He came to know Jesus as his savior last year. He was telling me again that life is so great now that he knows God. I said "to the world it may seem like foolishness but you know it is true in your heart." He said "that is so true, you can feel it inside, that God is real"
That is wisdom.
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. Therefore everyone who hears these words of Jesus and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house upon the rock.
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