Sunday, January 6, 2019

A wedding

It has been a busy week. I realized today that I had no pictures from the week so all of the pictures on this post were pulled from a video. I am told there are over 1500 pictures of the wedding but I don't have any of those yet. Our middle son Micah got married yesterday.
Here he is giving Sharon a hug as he escorts her into the church. Sharon walked in with Micah alone because Micah and Linsey asked me to do part of the service.
I was privileged to walk down the aisle with Micah
I shared the best spot in the church to watch Linsey be escorted by her parents down the aisle.

I had put together the message on the passage Micah and Linsey had chosen. I had actually put some work into it and had an outline in My Bible. The night before the wedding I couldn't sleep.

God wanted a different message than the one I had planned. You can see in the picture above I have closed my Bible and put away my notes. God wanted the message to Micah and Linsey to be,"Open your eyes and see me at work, Have a vision of God."
God was telling me to give them this blessing as a father to his children; May you see God and may He be your vision. 
Nate, a friend of Micah came up and did the last part of the service.
The family came to the front of the church, laid hands on the couple and prayed over them.
Nate told Micah that he could kiss his bride 
and presented them as Micah and Linsey Spoelstra

Micah and Linsey are married. 
The song after the message was Be Thou My Vision. I do not know who chose the song, but it was not till Early morning on Saturday the day of the wedding, that I realized God had worked it out months before. I was to tell them to have God as their vision and then we were going to sing that song.
This morning in our church, star gifts were handed out. A collection plate is passed and you take out a "star gift". You do not know what the gift will be until you turn the card over. My card this morning said "vision" I knew the gift was not for me. It was a re-enforcement of the message and blessing for Micah and Linsey. The extended family watched Micah and Linsey open gifts this afternoon. After all the gifts were opened I said, "I have one more gift for you. It is what I received in church today." I handed it to Micah. Someone asked "What does it say?" 
Micah said "vision" and everyone there said "Oh, wow"
I saw prayers answered this week and a man live and recover who the doctors thought was going to die within 12 hours. I wonder is he alive today because we needed to open our eyes and see God at work. I wonder was he brought back from the edge of death to be a wedding message illustration?
I never underestimate the works of God.

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