Friday, January 18, 2019


I spent most of my week working on walls. Some fool bought a house that had a rehab started on it. 

I have to admit I was the only one who walked through this house before we bought it. I thought it looked like most of the sheet rock was already back up.

I might have been wrong about that. At least this way we could hang moisture and mold resistant dry wall in the bathroom.

The ceilings were up, which helped a lot. I hate hanging dry wall on ceilings.

Since we are replacing all the windows, I pulled some of the new sheet rock back off and put up new cut to fit the new windows. 

We also closed in a wide doorway to turn a room on the ground floor into a bedroom. It will add a lot of value to the house.

By the end of today I am tired of joint compound, but the seams everywhere but the hall have at least the first coat on and several have the finish coat.

At some point, someone had removed a wall. A supporting wall. Even though the house has stood this way for, what looks like, at least 60 years, I still thought it would be wise to put a supporting beam across the opening.

The ceilings were 10 foot high in most of the house which means there are 2 joints running around the rooms. Yea that's what I really wanted, more joint compound to mud on and sand down.

My wrists are sore this evening from pulling a mud knife most of today. Not the type of work I am used to. I am not going to say I am very good at it either.
So I spent my week building walls. It seems the whole world is wanting to build walls right now. The attitude seems to be that if you are not like us , we don't want your kind living with us. 
I remember as a young boy singing the song "Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world." That may not be a politically correct way to say that truth today, but I have a feeling some only want Jesus to love the ones who don't look like us or talk like us if they live somewhere else.
I am willing to build walls in houses, but I am not willing to build walls in my life. I meet a lot of interesting and great people, who are not "like me". The past few years I have been tearing down walls I find in my life and recognizing God loves all the children of the world. It has allowed me to see God at work. What more could I ask for? 

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