Sunday, May 19, 2019

A Lot of Projects

When I get too many projects that need to be done I get this feeling I am drowning. We finished the roof on this house this week. 

Climb the ladder up to the scaffolding, then climb the ladder up to the toe-hold board, then the next ladder up to the top of the roof. Yea, that was not a good time. We have been waiting for the weather to warm up but that day when it hit 89 was way too hot to be on a roof.

Finished up early morning that day and could tear down the scaffolding and load it up in the pickup.
Next project on that house is new siding. Started on that after I took the scaffolding down. I enjoy siding a house because it changed the way the house looks. It can turn an ugly house into a thing of beauty. 

Got partially set up at the next house that needs a new roof. That makes 5 of the 6 we had to get done this year completed. Except we are in the process of purchasing another house that needs a new roof and siding. So no actual net gain for the week. Still have 2 roofs to do.

It is the thought of having to do the work that is the worst. I had the shingles delivered so if the weather cooperated we could start either Friday or Saturday. The weather did not cooperate.

This is the house we are purchasing. Sharon stopped at a garage sale and bought the house. See when they have a garage sale you have to be literal. Micah and I were working when Sharon came to find us and said "I have found a house to buy". It was an estate and they were wondering what to do with the house. Micah and I went over and made an estimate of repair costs and made an offer. We are going to have let Sharon claim she bought this house though.

On rainy days we are still working on the interior of the "blue" house. I think we have everything torn out that needs to come out. The new windows are in. Oh yea we still have an exterior door that needs to be removed, but that is usually an easy job.

Right now we are working on sheet rock. I scraped off the popcorn ceilings. If you look at this picture closely you can see they added sparkles to the texture when they sprayed it. I bet that was the latest greatest thing when they did that. Yea, that has to go.

Even the bath tub is back in place with new mold and moisture resistant dry wall around it.

On Saturday just before we quit I put a finish coat on one seam. Now I can say we are started on the finish coat. "Don't have all the tape and first coat on every where yet but we are close.
Last night some farmers were saying they have a lot of work to do but are just having to wait because of  all the rain. I am sure that would drive me crazy. I at least have projects to do under cover when it is raining so I can stay busy and not think about the work I am not getting done.
I am trying to think of that as a blessing instead of  obsessing over how many projects we have to get done.
God has it all worked out and we will get everything done in his time. There are a lot of farmers out there right now who are concerned about getting their crops in and cared for. They might be wondering what happens financially as every day delayed lowers the yield potential. 
I know it is easy to say God has it all worked out when it is not my problem, but I remember a few years back when a farmer was lamenting to me about a short crop. I told him, "you will make more money this year than you have every made in your life." I was right, he collected crop insurance as corn price went over $7.00 bushel. Right now we have piles of grain here in the Midwest. Maybe God is fixing the over supply and the low prices.
See, it is easy for me to see the big picture when it is not my problem. Right now I am looking at too many projects for the summer. A lot of farmers would look at that and say you have no problem at all. Our problems are usually larger than reality in our own eyes.

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