Sunday, August 18, 2019

Gone fishing

Sharon and I were in south Florida for a week

We stayed at some lovely resorts.

And got away from the hectic life we lead here in Iowa.

We did spend one night at what I would call a fishing camp.

The boat docks were beautiful and well maintained.

You could tell they were very careful about maintenance and upkeep on the docks and piers. 

Was a little concerned though when we saw the check in office. Yep, metal trailer and that is the restrooms on wheels, to the left of the office.
Now lets talk about the rooms. I do wonder why there are no metal inserts to hold the door latches. I guess you don't need those if you are out on the bay fishing.

Kinda have to wonder about that trim board over the door. Where did they get that thing. And a shelf above the entrance door to the room? Why?? Just, why?

I know fishermen need a place to keep their catch cold, but really, blocking part of the doorway with an old fridge. 

You know they are serious about fishing when the cooler is provided with the room.

And what a room. I think those curtains were hung in 1974 and they still look just as amazing as they did last year. Lets just not talk about the carpet. Oh my! I think it was put in with the curtains and this is a fishing place! Have you heard of hard surface??

Window sills were pink tile. Mostly cracked. I am thinking maybe 1965 vintage??

3 walls and the ceiling were white washed car siding. See where they ran out of white wash? or maybe just tired of the whole project and quit.

On 2 walls they evidently thought 6 foot boards would work better than 8 foots. Well they didn't and the miter cut on the corner of the board hiding the joint was off about 5 degrees.

And then there was the wiring. I am not sure why that extension cord had to run up past the TV and then back down, but of course extension cords are not allowed under any code I know of, to start with.

A few too many plugs in this outlet. If you wanted to make coffee just unplug the microwave. If you wanted the lamp in just unplug the coffee maker. I couldn't figure out why nothing would turn on until I ran the cords back and found out about the switch the plugs system.
Ceiling light and fan was also plugged into an outlet.

Whoops, that is brown zip wire running behind the molding to the ceiling fan. Not exactly the type of wiring I like to see.

There evidently is a connecting door between the rooms. Bungee cord, some 4 inch foam over the door, and you have a nifty noise barrier. At least that is my best guess of what they were doing.


Yea. I guess who needs a stopper in the bathroom sink. What are you going to do wash something like your hands in there when you could be fishing?

Hey if the wood starts to rot at the corner of the shower get a piece of plastic and 2 screws and fixed in no time at all.
AC breaks and you can buy one of those in room units and vent it out the window.

And that broken AC drain pipe, put a bucket under it, that's the best way to fix it.

We had a great time down in Florida. Sharon asked if Captain Pip's was terrible. Oh I wouldn't have missed it for the world. It was an experience. The place does not cater to men like me. You are expected to be out on your boat all day and not care at all about the room. I get that. Don't get too comfortable unless you are out fishing.
Do you see where I am going here? We have a tendency to get comfortable in our lives. We don't want to be uncomfortable and some of us don't want to be out fishing. There is a problem with that. Jesus told us to be fishers of men. He wants us out fishing not building a nice plush place to stay.
When was the last time your priority was setting a hook for an unsaved soul, or are you more concerned about no one messing up your good life? 
We all have to make a choice of what is important to us. Having everything comfortable and a nice place to live, or being fishers of men and the things of this world take second place.

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