Saturday, June 1, 2019

Down Hill side

Friday morning I helped Micah shingle half a roof on the last house we had on our schedule for this year. (We have another house we are buying that still needs a roof, but hurrah we have the 6 roofs we had scheduled finished.)

I was tired at the end of the day and had only worked hard in the morning. Micah would jog up the roof while I would try to stagger to the top. I think he is in better shape than me. Hmm, I wonder if 35 years older has something to do with that.

Last week I posted a picture of a bucket of joint compound purchased at Walmart that was only 2/3 full. This week when I opened the bucket purchased at Malcom Lumber, it was a whole different story.

I painted the "great room" walls earlier this week. Mixed the paint color by pouring gallons together I had bought on clearance. 

The stub walls and the stairway to the basement are gone. We are putting this area back to its original configuration.

Micah was not very fond of my earth tones color scheme for the house. He mixed up some gray paint for 2 bedrooms today. May be a little short on paint though for both bedrooms. As it was 3 buckets of various colors it can not be reproduced so we may need an accent wall in one bedroom.

The bedrooms are a lot better with all the add-ins over the years torn out. They are a usable size now.

I mixed the paint this afternoon for the laundry room and the last bedroom. I actually did try to mix a light gray paint. As you can see, I failed but even if Micah doesn't care for the color, I only have to say $8.95 a gallon and he starts to like it a whole lot better.

This is what that area looked like when we purchased the house. 
We are now over the hump with this house. It is downhill from here. We moved the first cabinets in this afternoon. Finish the painting, put in the cabinets and start laying flooring. We could finish it in a couple of weeks if I wasn't trying to side another house at the same time. 
When I was helping Micah I was feeling like downhill might not be a good thing. I don't have the endurance and strength I had when I was 25 years old.
When I was looking at how far we have come on the "blue" house and thinking it's down hill to the finish now. It was a good thing.
It is all in ones perspective isn't it? It was great having the vigor of youth years ago but I have gained a lot of knowledge and wisdom over the years (some may disagree with that). I think it might be a fair trade. 
Lack of wisdom when I was 17 should be clear just from the fact I was wearing that lovely leisure suit with the wild shirt. Gotta love the glasses and the hair style as well. 
So I might be on the down hill side but I want it to be a good finish. When we started on the "blue" house it was difficult to see the possible good ending. I am sure there are people who can remember me when I was younger and thought, he will not end well.
Well the "blue" house is going to turn out to be a good home for someone. I have already shown it to a prospective tenant and they want to rent it when we get it finished.
I would like to think as I have crested the hill and am traveling toward the finish I am becoming more like Jesus. More compassionate, more caring, more concerned about loving those around me. I have come to realize it is not about me. That was not always true when I was younger. 

Remember that bucket of joint compound last week that was only partially full? Then this week the bucket I bought was full. The only way I can finish well is if I am like the 2nd bucket and filled with the Spirit of God.
So being on the down hill side of a house remodel is a good thing and I think being on the down hill side myself is a good thing as well. I am planning on finishing well working to build God's kingdom for years to come if God allows me to do so.

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